The two groups that have been meeting as the “book club” have decided to read different books. So we'll have discussions on each book on different days. Drop in on one or both whenever they look interesting. But I will tell you this: even if something doesn’t seem that interesting to you, I bet the discussion will be! 

We currently have two book clubs: 

  • C. S. LEWIS WEEKLY BOOK CLUB - Thursday evenings,  6:30pm at the Oak Table. We are currently reading  “Mere Christianity” by C. S. Lewis. During WWII, the BBC asked C.S. Lewis to give a series of radio talks describing the basics of Christianity. “Mere Christianity” is a transcript of those talks, edited to read appropriately as a book. It’s a great book and I hope you will join our book discussion. 


  • MONTHLY BOOK CLUB - Friday, January 31, 2025, at 10 AM in the library. Now Starting "Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes - Cultural Studies in the Gospels" by Kenneth E. Bailey. This book is 400 pages long, so we will read approximately the first 100 pages for our book discussion on January 31. We’ll discuss the book at a natural pace. It’s quite possible we won’t get through the first 100 pages but read that much just in case. February meeting date to be determined.

Remember, you don’t have to choose one or the other. If you want to come to both book discussions, we’d love to see you there! 
