Pastor John's Blog

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The Sara and Hagar Allegory in Galatians 4

Gently Restore (week 3 in series)

Get the Log Out (week 2 in series)

God Desires You!

How Can I Glorify God? (week 1 in a series)

The Nativity Compels Us to Love the “Other”

Jesus Shows Us What God Is Really Like

Christmas - YOU are the reason for the season

Are Science and Religion Enemies? No way!

Learning to Wait with Joy

Learning to Wait with Peace

Learning to Live with Hope

Ten Promises from God to Help You Wait with Hope

Living with Gratitude and Eternal Hope

Gratitude for God's 3 Modes of Grace

Knocking Down Pride, a Roadblock to Gratitude

Gratitude is moving from "so that" to "because."

Thank God for the Reformation

Gratitude: The Heart of Worship (40DOG, wk 1)

What Must I Do to Inherit Eternal Life?
