
We currently have two book clubs open to all.  

You'll find all the details HERE


Our Regular Happenings
RESILIENT MINDS, Beginning Oct. 19, Every 3rd Sat. 9-11am

CALLING ALL 5TH THROUGH 7TH GRADERS!  Pastor John will be leading a class for Middle School aged kids about mental health with a biblical view. The curriculum is called Resilient Minds through CPH.  Feel free to invite your friends; the more kids, the more fun! Parents, please register with Pastor John so he has enough materials.

NEW MEMBER CLASS - 11:15-12:30, in the Library

This 12-week course is designed as a "new member" course, introducing Lutheran teachings and life to those who are considering joining Redeemer Lutheran Church. However, it's a great course for anyone and all are welcome. Be sure to sign up so that we can have the right amount of space and materials.

This class is offered several times throughout the year.  Sign up at the welcome table on Sunday morning or by following this link: Sign up for God Connects.

MIDWEEK BIBLE STUDY - Two times to choose from: Tues. 6:30pm-8pm or Thurs. 10:00am-11:30am, both in the Library.

Join us as we read Paul's letters to the Galatians.


Redeemer Lutheran Church provides a safe and loving environment where children find and love God, explore His Word, build relationships with His family, and discover their own God-given uniqueness. The children’s classes meet at the same time as the adult classes at 9am on Sunday morning. 

CHAIR YOGA - Thursdays, 11:15-12:00 in the Upper Room

For your Health! All abilities are invited.  Wear comfortable clothing.

MEN'S BREAKFAST & BIBLE STUDY - Every 2nd Saturday 9-11am in the Fellowship Room

Lively Bible discussions and great fellowship over a hearty, fresh-cooked breakfast.

LADIES "PICK OF THE MONTH" BRUNCH & DEVOTION - Every 2nd Saturday 9-11 in the Upper Room

Where we prepare and cook up a healthy brunch together using recipes developed by a Good Samaritan Health Services nutritionist.

DINNER OUT - Every 2nd Tuesday

Check Calendar for the location and time - it changes each month!  All are welcome to join for a casual dinner and fellowship.

BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS - Every 3rd Sunday in the Library
KNITTING GROUP - Every 3rd Tuesday 1-3pm

Knitters and Crocheters of all skill levels or those that want to learn are invited.  We make prayer quilts, shawls for newborns, and more.

FOOD DONATIONS - Non-perishable food items can be place in the Marion-Polk Food Share barrel in the Lobby.

LADIES WEEKLY BIBLE STUDY - Tuesdays at 1:00 in the Library 
All Ladies are invited to join us.

We will be studying “Advancing Through Adversity”. Dr. Stanley provides a new perspective on the trials we face and reveals what questions to ask, what the Bible tells us, and what lessons we can learn. Understanding God’s role and bolstering our courage can help us advance through our adversities rather than be overcome by them.


The MomCo -  3rd Saturdays 9-11am

Where Moms Gather for Support and Growth.  If you consider yourself a mom, whether you are expecting your first child or your youngest is about to graduate, you are invited to our group as we go through motherhood together. Keep up to date through our Facebook Group.
