Jesus Did NOT Come to Make Us Feel Guilty and Anxious

(Sermon Summary from 10/8/2023)

 Last Sunday we talked about how the pernicious twins of guilt and perfectionism can drain the joy out of anyone’s life and derail a Christian’s faith. 

Guilt, often stemming from past mistakes, can lead to perpetual self-condemnation, hindering personal growth and causing relational strain. Perfectionism, which shows itself in fear of failure and chronic dissatisfaction, fosters anxiety and self-doubt. 

When you find the pernicious twins of guilt and perfectionism depriving you of joy, the answer is to turn to Jesus, who embodies grace and truth. Feeling momentarily bad about something bad you did/didn’t do is a sign of emotional health. However, perpetual guilt will immobilize you. Godly grief leads you back to our loving heavenly Father. 

Embracing grace means understanding that Jesus dealt with all sin on the cross, removing from us its guilt and shame. Jesus was crucified for us so you can quit crucifying yourself over what you’ve done or your fear of not being perfect. There’s no need to carry the burden of guilt or perfectionism any longer.

Jesus tells us that unless we turn and become like little children, we will never enter the kingdom of God. To be rid of the pernicious twins, we need to trust in God’s love for us like little children trust in the love of their parents.

God’s profound love for us and the unshakeable guarantee of forgiveness through Jesus Christ will enable us to break free from destructive cycles of guilt and perfectionism. Embrace the grace.

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Grace and peace to you,