Thanksgiving Day Devotional Resources

We are pleased to provide devotional resources for a brief (15 minutes or so) home devotional/worship service as you celebrate our national Thanksgiving Holiday. Please share these resources with your friends and family near and far. Take the time to honor our God who makes our Thanksgiving even deeper through Jesus Christ, our Lord. The title of each item is linked to that file/video.

Thanksgiving Day Narrative Devotional (printable)

This printable devotional is designed to be read by one person while everyone else listens. It briefly recounts the history of the Thanksgiving Day celebration in the USA. There are some Christian reflections on thankfulness. Then there are some table discussion prompts (optional) and a closing prayer. (link: Thanksgiving Day Narrative Devotional document)

Thanksgiving Day Narrative Devotional (YouTube recording)

This is exactly the same as the above devotional except that Pastor John recorded the reading so nobody has to read the devotional if nobody wants to. :)     (link: Thanksgiving Day Narrative Devotional YouTube Recording)

Thanksgiving Day Responsive/Liturgical Devotion (printable)

This printable devotional is written in a liturgical style. There is a responsive Psalm, scripture readings, a time for sharing, a hymn (Now Thank We All Our God), responsive prayers, the Lord's Prayer, and a closing. Feel free to use it as you are comfortable. (e.g. You don't have to sing the hymn). (link: Thanksgiving Day Responsive/Liturgical Devotion)

Thanksgiving Prayer Before the Meal (printable)

Perhaps you just want a prayer? Here it is. This is the closing prayer in the Thanksgiving Day Narrative Devotional. The text of the prayer is pasted below. Here is a link to a printable version: Thanksgiving Prayer Before the Meal.

Prayer before the Thanksgiving Meal

Heavenly Father, you created us in love to be in fellowship with you. Though sin broke that relationship of love and trust, you have restored it through your promised Messiah, your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. We thank you for welcoming us home into your presence of love and peace. We recognize that You are the ultimate provider of the food we are about to receive, and for this food, we offer You our gratitude. We also recognize those who have worked to prepare this meal in any way. We ask that you give them the blessings of their service to us, that all those partaking today appreciate the time and energy they have put into this meal. Now, Father, we ask you to bless the food we are about to receive, that it would nourish and strengthen us to serve you with our lives until we share that glorious and eternal banquet which you have prepared for us through your Son, Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.
